On 31 March, the D60 was officially launched, and we are very proud of it! The D60 is now certified (class IIa) and clinically validated. With the D60, you can now disinfect channelless ENT scopes and TEE probes with UV technology in just 60 seconds.
Corona virus on objects can be effectively destroyed with UV, by using UV Smart's Impelux™ technology. This has been established by research agency Eurofins on behalf of UV Smart. After one standard cycle in the D25, the maximum demonstrable reduction of 99.99% of the virus material was indeed rendered harmless.
A group of experts may soon start writing a Dutch Practical Guideline (NPR) for UV disinfection or sterilisation. The yet to be formed Task Force is looking for expansion of the group of experts in this field. Interested parties can apply until 1 August.
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